Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Buying New or Used Cars? Read Some Interesting Stats

Automakers across the globe are competing on a global scale to introduce a flurry of new car makes and models. Moreover, the auto manufacturers are also focusing on redesigning and updating their existing line of vehicle with new technologies. And that is why a potential buyer may find it confusing to choose the right car from the overwhelming number of choices. No matter whether you are planning to buy brand new or rarely used cars in Texas for sale, it is important to take your time, carry out a detailed research and make the right pick. 


Car buying is one of the most expensive purchases that most of us will ever make and it adds the stress factor by a greater extent. You can take advantage of the digital tools and resources to make the process less complicated. Now let us check out some interesting stats published by Lab42 regarding the car purchase. According to the study, 48% of the consumers shop around for one to three months before taking a final decision on buying new or rarely used cars for sale. Additionally, 83% of car buyers make the best use of internet access as they spend time on web research before paying visit to the leading car dealerships in Texas or any other location, whereas 52% of the buyers showing up at the dealership have no idea about the car make or model they are planning to buy. 

Lack of basic car shopping information can make you a prey to the shady tactics of salesman, which could cost you thousands of dollars more than it should.  Make it a point to arrange the finances before hitting the leading car dealership’s lot, as it gives you the ‘cash buyer’ status. Some of the dealers offer cars on cash corral in Greenville TX and other localities, which you can make the best use of. If you have narrowed down your choices, compared the car prices and are armed with all the information, then you can be assured of cracking the best deal.


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